Ireland’s #1 study tool. Built by exam experts.

97% of our students report improved grades.
Give your child full-access. 14-day money back guarantee


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97% of Students

Report Improved Results

93 CAO Points

Above National Average

98% of Students

Recommend to friends

50 000+

Students Supported

Every subject, made simple.

A+ notes, sample essays, questions, and quizzes for over 37+ subjects


A+ Revision Notes

Beautiful, concise, and carefully curated notes. Divided by topic, highlighted, and structured for easy recall in your exams.

  • Beautiful notes organised by topic. Reviewed by experts.

  • Sample essays from A+ students. Learn from the best.

  • Experiment write-ups, cheat-sheets, and more.

Try Premium

Track Study Progress

Set your goals, hardest subjects, and more. You can then track your progress in every subject to make sure you get your course.

  • Track completion of notes, essays, and experiments.

  • CAO points calculator and grade tracker.

  • Stay exam-focused with timed questions by topic.

Try Premium

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  • What do I get with premium access?

    Premium gives students unrestricted access to all of our H1 revision notes, sample answers, quizzes, and questions-by-topic.

  • Is there a free trial available?

    Yes, you can try us for free for the first 3 days. You can cancel at any time. 94% of students say it improves their grades.

  • What is your cancellation policy?

    There is a 14-day money back guarantee, and you can cancel your plan at any time. Our team is always here to help.

  • Can I purchase this for my child?

    Yes! you can purchase SimpleStudy for your son or daughter. They will then be able to login and start studying straight away.

Happy students.
Better results.
It’s that simple.

Everyone learns differently. We understand that.
Our expert team works 24/7 to keep your child happy.


Google Reviews and Trustpilot

What is included?

For €24.99/month you’ll receive

  • 24/7 support for your child from our team of exam experts

  • Personalised study tracking, weekly challenges, and tests.

  • Full access to expert tips, and exam-simulation tools

  • Progress reports and grading for all their subjects

  • Our money back guarantee if your child doesn't get their course.


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